
How to Fight and Win: Self Defense Training

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"Discover A New And Brutally Effective Self Defense System To Protect Yourself And The Ones You Love, From Any Kind Of Violent Encounter, With Out Spending Years And Years In AMartial Arts School!"

Inside this exciting turbo charged course you'll get:  

  • 5 Ways to stop a fight before it could ever begin! - Discover how to avoid being chosen as a target by a predator that wants to assault you! Learn the powers of awareness, body language and street smarts to prevent a possible attack in the first place!

  • A list of 10 ways how street fights are won! - Get the technical detail on how most street fights are won and then use these strategies to guarantee a stranglehold over your opponents to win easily

  • 5 Major problems of most martial arts systems uncovered! - Don't be fooled or dazzled by these fancy sport based and hobby style martial arts! You want the serious nitty gritty stuff that can save your ass in a fight and I expose 5 things you want to avoid badly!

  • What to look for in martial arts studios! - Need to find a place to practice and hone your fighting abilities? I recommend that everybody join a martial arts school but I expose a lot of the hocus pocus and demystify a lot of the garbage dojos and schools that teach crap and charge too much!

  • The two things you need to know & why you need to cross train! - I expose the significant things you need to know and have implemented into your over all fighting and winning strategy for street annihilation and survival!

  • How to get the most from your self defense training! - Uncover the reasons why most martial arts clubs and schools teach out dated techniques and discover how to turn your self defense practice into near real life training for domination. Get the facts here first!

  • Criminal psychology 101 how to prevent and prepare for attacks! - Inside I share with you some personal insight into the criminal mind with how they think and react with violence. I show you the importance of training and a critical element that can make these punks invincible in a fight!

  • Discover the 5 rules of womens self defense - I expose battle tested advice on what women should do in street attacks! I expose and uncover the nitty gritty details you will want to know right now to take your training and the advantage of winning to a whole new level!

  • Mixed Martial Arts Vs Reality Based Self Defense - I've exposed both good and bad for reality based self defense and mixed martial arts training and provide my insight into what I have seen in real life street fights as a bouncer in a busy night club. Which is better? Find out inside!

  • How to make 3 home made weapons that are legal! - You don't want to get thrown into jail for using a concealed weapon against an attacker in the likelihood that you will be charged so try these 3 simple tools you can use as self defense weapons inside!

  • How to easily and effectively destroy your attackers eyesight! - Get this extreme no holds barred move that's barred in the UFC. We show you how to rip out an attacker’s eyes, making them defenseless and useless crybabies who will no longer try to hurt you!
  • How to dislocate shoulders with two power moves! - Discover how to overwhelm your attacker and put him in a state of shock and panic when you dislocate his shoulders making his arms utterly useless. This is an extremely devastating street fight technique and it will stop anyone.
  • How to break your attackers knee caps and rip apart his cartilage and nerves! - Discover how to break and rip apart any violent attacker's kneecaps, rendering them useless and unable to continue fighting you! Best of all it's extremely easy!
  • Discover the 4 key areas to strike on the face! You can cause a lot more damage to the face then you would with just striking it. I uncover the simple street fighting moves that will cause breakage and swelling in the face.
  • We reveal the 7 natural weapons you have on your body! - Dig deep into these no holds barred secrets that show you how to use your body as a dangerous weapon. We show you which body parts to use for maximum damage and results in a street fight encounter!
  • Discover a household tool you can use as a self defense weapon! Inside you'll discover an amazingly simple little household tool you can use as a knife and conceal. You will never be charged for carrying this weapon, since it's just a common tool!

  • How to use this special kick that will permanently turn anyone into a cripple! Learn this devastating kick that will destroy a persons back turning them into a handicapped cripple that won't be able to fight you any longer!
  • Think the male groin is the only area to strike? Find other 20 locations only in this guide! We show you 20 simple areas you can strike that will cause an explosive amount of pain and shock in any dangerous thug.
  • How to dislocate and even break an ankle! Watch your attacker fall to the ground in extreme pain as he lays there utterly useless and unable to walk or continue fighting when you destroy his ankle. This is an extremely powerful technique!
  • What to do if a fight goes to a ground and how to protect yourself if the attacker is on top! Don't worry, you don't need a black belt in Brazilian Jujitsu to know how to defend and protect yourself on the ground use the ground street fighting tips inside this chapter!
  • You don't have to be fast, skilled or in fighting shape! The best part about this course is the fact that these deadly techniques are completely natural that even a senior citizen could use them to defend himself.
  • You don't need to train for months and months to master these techniques! I'm sure you don't have tons of time to waste every day because you're a busy person! That's why you can become a killing machine with this unique combat system in under two weeks, training only half an hour, 3 days a week!
  • There are no uniforms, religion or funny customs and no monthly fees! This 'aint martial arts and there is nothing to do with customs, religion, you don't have to wear a uniform and you don't have to bow down to your masters. What you get is a complete no holds barred street defense system that shows you how to escape any violent confrontation alive!
  • You don't need to learn complex techniques! We only give you 27 power moves so you don't have to know thousands of moves and blocks! All of these techniques are extremely devastating and can be mastered within a few hours!
You will learn how to end a battle as fast as it started. You will get the no holds barred truth on what works on dominating and destroying a criminal scum bag that starts problems with you! Learn the valuable skills and share it with your wife, girlfriend, mother and children to keep them safer from predators!