
H2H Self Defense Program

Below is a letter and some facts from the H2H website. If this self defense program interests you, then click on the banner above to find out more information...

Dear Friends, My name is Matt Bryers, one of the instructors of the H2H Combat System.

First: I do not want to waste your time or question your intelligence by bombarding you with ridiculously long promises of turning you into a deadly fighting machine overnight, because that's BS... You and I both know it.

In order for you to understand that this is NOT some FAKE system put together by a "wanna-be" martial artist in his basement, I would like to introduce to you the creator of the H2H Combat System: Russ "Sensei" St. Hilaire.

Russ is a 7th Degree Jujitsu Blackbelt and the founder of H2H Combat Self Defense System. Russ has a Jujitsu and Self-Defense school located in East Hartford, CT. He is also the former Hand to Hand Combat Instructor for the following Military and Police Organizations:

  • Civil Disturbance Control Instructor, US Army, Military District of Washington
  • SRT Teams Instructor for US Army, Ft. Myer and Ft. A.P. Hill
  • Instructor to Restraint and Control Instructors of Washington, DC Police Academy Instructor to Washington, DC S.W.A.T. instructors
  • Military Units in CT, MA, VA

I am also one the instructors in H2H Self-Defense combat system and co-author of this H2H Combat Manual and Video Series. I also have a Jujitsu and Self-Defense school in Cromwell, CT. Some of my martial arts experience includes:
  • Kobukai Ju-Jitsu 2nd Degree Black Belt
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Purple Bellt
  • Ju-Jitsu, Grappling, and MMA Fighter
  • H2H Combat Instructor for Operation Iraqi Freedom soliders, police officers and security professionals.

Second: In order to have a solid program that we can offer you, YOU need to know that this program works...

What I would like to introduce to you next are some of the current "users" of the H2H Combat Program:
  • Active Soldiers
  • Navy Seals
  • Police Officers
  • Security Professionals
  • and now... Civilians

Third: The H2H Combat System is based upon tried and true techniques from a variety of martial arts, with its strongest base in Ju-Jitsu.

We all know the effectiveness of Ju-Jitsu for Mixed Martial Arts, but Ju-Jitsu was originally developed centuries ago for the battlefields of Japan. Ju-Jitsu has continued to evolve over the years and is now one of the MOST combat effective martial arts.

Thank you for your time, I look forward to talking and helping all of you.

Core Principles of H2H Combat System

  • K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Stupid!
    The reason why The H2H Combat System works so effectively for Special Forces Soldiers or a 120lb woman is the simplicity and "readily available" techniques.
  • Readily Available Techniques
    There is no complication, no advanced series of techniques, just simple combat proven movements that you can readily use in any situation. To really work – H2H has to be Easy To Learn, Easy to Remember, and Easy To Execute!
  • Combat Proven
    The H2H Self Defense system has been used and taught to the USA Military, NAVY Seals, SWAT Team, SWAT Team Combat Instructors, Police Officers, Police Academy Instructors, Security Professionals, and Civilians.
  • Centuries of Refinement
    The H2H Self Defense System is primarily based on Ju-Jitsu. Ju-Jitsu is the most effective martial art used by the battlefield Samurai and has continuously evolved for the modern day warrior. As times as changed, so has the rules of combat. Our combative techniques have also evolved with combat. We have taken what works and thrown out the rest!
  • Live without Fear
    Understanding and knowing how to defend yourself in any street or military altercation gives you the confidence to live your life or do your job without concern of how you will handle yourself in these situations.
  • Don't be the Victim
    Studies have shown that the more confident you are, the less likely you will be preyed upon. Attackers want weak, powerless victims. The H2H Self Defense System fosters the Warrior Spirit and gives you the tools and mindset to defend yourself.