
Hockey Speed and Power: The Ultimate Hockey Fitness Program

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Training Will Separate You From The Pack... If you're a hockey player serious about taking your game up a notch, making it to that next level, or just reaching your full potential, then you can leave all those players in your dust if you train with the right program! Just going to the gym is good, but if you really want to get faster and stronger, and if you really want to become the absolute best hockey player that you can be, then you need something more. You need a program that is proven to work. You need a program based on years and years of professional hockey experience. Introducing, Hockey Speed and Power...

Hockey Speed and Power is the training manual that I originally prepared for the Belleville Bulls of the Ontario Hockey League. Since then it's been refined and updated and the result is a training program that produces faster, stronger, and generally dominant hockey players. Anyone can follow this program. You don't need to be playing pro for this to benefit you! This manual can be used by any player who wants to seriously improve their game. Whether you're a Junior A player looking to nail your shot at pro, or a young kid who wants to stand out from the crowd at tryouts, this program is for you! This manual is made up of the very exercises that I used myself to get faster and stronger when I was playing professional hockey. That's what separates this program from all the rest. This isn't a book about what could work in theory. It's a professional quality training system that's proven to work in real life. Guaranteed! In fact, not only did I use the workouts in this program when I was playing pro hockey myself, I've also used the exact workouts to train Olympians, Stanley Cup champs, and countless other players at all levels of hockey and the results are always the same...it works!

What Makes Up Hockey Speed and Power?

  • Section One - Four Month Training Calendar: This calendar breaks down every single day of your training program so that you know exactly what you need to be doing on which days, in what order, what days to rest, etc...

  • Section Two - Dynamic Warm-Up: Warm-ups and stretching done wrong actually hinder your progress! You'll learn exactly how to warm-up to properly prepare your body for the work to follow...

  • Section Three - Core Training: All the parts of a strength and conditioning plan are very important but by far the two most important are the CORE training and lower body speed and power...

  • Section Four - Lower Body Speed and Power: This is where you'll improve your first stride power, the single most important thing in hockey! A lot of these exercises are special European workouts and they'll have you blowing past the competition...

  • Section Five - Upper Body Strength and Power: Traditional upper body training is great if all you want to do is increase the size of your beach muscles. If you want to be a better hockey player though, you need to do things a little differently...

  • Section Six - Plyometric Training: Plyometrics have only been popular in North America for a few years, but the Europeans have been using them for half a century. You'll improve your shot speed, first stride explosiveness, hitting, and more...

  • Section Seven - Agility and Speed Training: This is an area that is almost always done wrong, yet it might be the most important! If you can win a three foot race or turn on a dime, you're going to dominate. Period. These exercise will show you how...

  • Section Eight - Energy System Training: The focus on this section is to show you how to train in order to maintain your top speed longer. The majority of books you'll read are simply dead wrong on how to do this. I'll show you how the pros do it...

  • Section Nine - Static Stretching: As mentioned before, static stretching done wrong is detrimental to your gains, and it is almost always done wrong by people who don't understand it. You'll learn the way to do them right for hockey specific training...

  • Section Ten - In Season Maintenance: This is the section that shows you how to work all of the exercises and workouts into your in-season schedule. You can't ignore training during the season, but you need to fit it in between your games and practices properly in order to get the best results in your performance...
