
Anabolic Cooking: Cookbook and Nutrition Guide

Below is a little bit of information from the actual Anabolic website. This information talks about the program, and gives an idea of what to expect from the cookbook. If you are interested, then click on the banner above, and you will be redirected to the real website. By the way, this is a product that has a special lower price/offer if you decide that this current product does not impress you. Just try to navigate away from the current page of that site, and there will be a popup window, giving you a better offer. Just trying to help!

From Dave Ruel, Author of the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook:

Every serious fitness enthusiast knows that nutrition is the most important part of building an impressive, ripped, muscular physique.

Let's face it, even if you are on the best training program possible and take all the best supplements, your muscles won’t grow by themselves and the fat is not going to fall off magically. Food will make your muscles grow and burn that stubborn belly fat. Without nutritious food in the right quantities, even the most intense workout or cardio session is worthless. That’s as simple as that.

And, even though we all know this, preparing and eating meals is almost always the most overlooked and neglected area of our lives. We always go for the easy option by spending tons of money in pre-made meals, take-out food and meal replacement drinks.

However, some people still manage to be faithful to a bodybuilding or fitness specific meal plan, but they quickly face another problem:

Traditional Bodybuilding and Fitness Nutrition Can Easily Become Boring.

In this book you will find:

More than 200 "Anabolicious" recipes
, all full of flavours, designed to promote muscle building and fat loss, and that you can prepare in minutes. In fact those recipes are so easy to make, even a 10 year-old can do it!

Done-For-You Meal Plans : I will tell you what to eat, when to eat, and how to prepare all your meals, with the complete shopping list and full step-by-step directions. All that supported by my Best Nutrient Timing Strategies

Anabolic Cooking and Nutrition Fundamentals: everything that a person involved in bodybuilding or fitness MUST know about nutrition. You will know exactly what’s in the food your eating!

A Virtual Cooking Class: learn how to read a recipe, the different cutting techniques and cooking methods, completed with the Anabolic Cooking Glossary. All you need to know to get started cooking will be covered from A to Z!

How to prepare ALL your meals for the week in less than 3 hours!

My Best Post-Workout nutrition secrets and tactics to optimize your results as well as by best Post-Workout shake recipes

Money Saving Tips: Stop wasting your money! Learn all my tips and tricks about smart grocery shopping. I’m going to show you how to fit the food you need into your budget, and demonstrate that eating the right food is in reality way cheaper than pre-packaged meals and take out!

How to build your Anabolic Cooking Kitchen on a budget, and all the tools you will need to prepare your meals and become the best cook in the family!

How to manage your cheat meals and my action plan when you are eating out